Our Partnership Development Team is a dedicated team of faithful leaders who work with churches and their individual ministries across the Anglican Diocese. In their roles, they manage separate regions across New South Wales and provide support, guidance, training, referrals and resource materials through to churches within their designated regions.
Take Love is a youth initiative of Anglicare. Take Love is all about taking the love of Jesus to our community and inspiring others to do the same. We're here to equip you, your school and your youth group with practical ways to get involved in Anglicare’s life-changing work.
In the New England North West region Anglicare has offices in Moree, Inverell, Tenterfield, Armidale, Tamworth and Narrabri. Anglicare New England North West is blessed to have a team of leaders who love and follow Jesus, and who are passionate about their work. The Head of Region, Claire Dunlop oversees the entire region. Reporting to Claire is a team of dedicated managers who are committed to engaging face-to-face with their own teams on a regular basis, providing support, encouragement and training.