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Parker & Mitchell
Our story

A bit about us

  • We are 3-year-old identical twins who are gentle and full of wonder about the world.

  • We love climbing, going down slides, bubbles, and throwing balls. We also like going for walks while in the pram, taking toys out of boxes, riding push tricycles and being in nature.

  • We have Autism and Global Developmental Delay. Currently we do not communicate verbally but can find ways to communicate our needs and wants.

  • We enjoy attending childcare and seeing our family regularly.

A bit about what we need

  • We’re looking for carers who can give us the love and stability we need to thrive and reach our potential.

  • We currently live in a home with children and pets. A home with or without children or pets would be fine for us, and we would share a room.

  • Being close to outdoor space would be great for us to run around in.

A note from their case manager:

As Parker and Mitchell's case manager, I have had the privilege of seeing their gentle and inquisitive nature firsthand. These boys have an incredible curiosity about the world, always eager to explore and engage with their surroundings. Despite their challenges, they have a resilient spirit and a unique way of communicating their needs.

What they need most now is a loving, stable home where they can feel safe and supported. They thrive on routine and affection, and the right carer can make a world of difference in their lives. The support available for their carers is comprehensive, ensuring that you are never alone in this journey. From 24/7 worker support to specialised clinical teams, and assistance with childcare and appointments, we provide everything needed to help Parker and Mitchell flourish.

If you think you might be able to open your heart to care for Parker & Mitchell, or if you’d like to learn more about foster care, please reach out via the enquiry form below, or call our team on (02) 9890 6800.

*names and images changed to protect privacy.

Enquire about becoming a carer for Parker and Mitchell

If you think you might be able to open your heart to care for Parker & Mitchell, or if you'd like to learn more about short-term foster care, please reach out via the enquiry form below.
Want to talk to someone?

Call our friendly Foster Care team to find out more about Parker and Mitchell, and how you can help to provide them with a safe and welcoming environment.

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Inspired by the gospel of reconciliation in Jesus Christ, Anglicare's vision for reconciliation is a nation in which Australia's First Peoples are restored in dignity, respect, empowerment and opportunity.