Do you know how valuable you are to God? The Bible tells the story of God's love for us. On this page we invite you to meet Jesus and get to know him better for yourself! You can read an article, download one of the four original biographies of Jesus' life and check it out for yourself, and find a church near you to help you on your journey.
We’d love to help you explore faith and discover the difference that knowing Jesus brings. Into a world like ours, full of anxiety, darkness and death, the message of Jesus continues to shine the bright light of a living hope today….
To all who first encountered him, Jesus brought living hope. From the frail and marginalised, to the scholar, the sceptic, the sinner and the seeker.
Jesus claimed to be the Son of the living God. He performed many miracles and taught great crowds. When he was crucified, all hope looked lost. But that was not the end of the story. The extraordinary, history-shaping claim of the eyewitnesses was that Jesus rose from the dead. That is the belief of more than 2 billion Christians1 today from over 234 nations and many more down through the last 2000 years.
If that is true, then it changes everything.
1.Pew Research Centre Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050 | Pew Research Center
7 short videos answering questions from Luke's Gospel
Read for yourself from the source. Luke is one of the four first-century biographies of Jesus.
The best way to help you grow in your new relationship with Jesus is to find a church near you. Click the link and type in your postcode to find a church near you in the Sydney area.