When four young siblings - 5-year-old twins Noah and Mia* and their baby brother and sister - faced the possibility of being placed in a hotel-staffed emergency arrangement, it seemed to everyone like the brokenness of the world was closing in. To increase the chances of finding them a home, the Department of Communities and Justice made the difficult decision to separate the children into two households for their immediate safety. Yet even in this complexity, God was at work - bringing His people together to write a story of connection, love, and belonging despite the challenges.
Peter and Rachel* a couple from a Sydney Anglican church, had never fostered before. They felt a stirring in their hearts to step into this calling, though not without fear or hesitation. They questioned if they had the capacity to take on such a big task. But they also knew they weren't stepping into it alone.
Through Anglicare's Foster Circle model, their church community surrounded them, committing to be a wrap-around support team. Meals were planned, babysitters lined up, and prayer warriors stood ready to cover every need. Practical love, woven through faithful hands, ensured the placement didn't just survive but flourished.
Peter and Rachel have also begun building a connection with the Anglicare carers, looking after the twins' baby brother and sister, creating a sense of continuity and shared care for all four children.
And while the road ahead may hold challenges, the Foster Circle reminds us all that fostering is never about one family carrying the weight alone. Together, love restores, communities flourish, and hope is never out of reach.
If you want to practically or financially assist foster children thrive, please call to speak to our team on 13 26 22 or email donations@anglicare.org.au
*Names changed for privacy
Photo top of page: Recent Foster Circle Event at Bridge Church, Kirribilli