An anchor isn’t the most glamorous part of a boat. It’s rarely seen or celebrated, but when the seas are rough, it holds everything steady.
Presence works much the same way. In life’s hardest moments - when the waters rise and the winds howl - it’s not grand gestures that bring comfort, but the quiet, steady presence of someone being safe and simply there.
Presence, though often unsung, plays a pivotal role in each of the stories featured in this newsletter. AJ’s transformation was possible because Wally, his chaplain, was present at a crucial turning point. In hospitals, chaplains like Lisa Russell offer a compassionate presence during moments of great vulnerability. Margaret’s story, too, reminds us how presence extends beyond physical support - her ongoing generosity creates lasting connections in our community. And with our Mobile Food Pantry, volunteers are not just handing out groceries but offering their care to those in need. In short, presence is life changing.
Stress, unprocessed grief and trauma, digital distractions leave so many of us overwhelmed, distracted and isolated, out of touch with ourselves, let alone others. I feel challenged to slow down for the sake of my family, friends, church, community, and our faithful supporters. I want to hold space for people’s stories, to listen, to understand, to care- -sometimes without the need to have answers. Just being present.
God’s presence with us heals, calms anxieties, and restores, reminding us that sometimes, being fully here right now is enough. Your consistent partnership anchors our support in the community. Thank you for walking side by side, for being there for those close to you, as well as offering a steady hand to those in need. Together, we offer hope for tomorrow by being fully present today.
Veronika Peters, Head of Philanthropy and Fundraising, Community and Mission