Discover what you can expect when you move into an Anglicare residential aged care home.
Love and respect
The caring staff will go out of their way to respect your preferences - from how you like to be greeted and when you like to wake up, to the activities you enjoy and the meals you prefer.
Purpose and joy
You'll be supported to continue doing things that are important to you, that bring you joy and purpose. Maybe there's a certain way you like your cup of tea and you'd like to continue making that yourself. Or maybe you still enjoy gardening or cooking, for others you may like to be involved with planning and decision making or helping other residents. There are many ways you can still live a full and active life filled with purpose and joy in an Anglicare residential aged care home.
Friends and socialising
Would you like to join your new friends each morning for a chat, go on bus outings or do you prefer to sit quietly and read a book? There are many ways you can fill your days with as much or as little socialising as you like.
Click to learn more about each of the homes and hear what residents and staff have to say