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Who we are

We exist to serve people in need in our community, enrich lives and share the love of Jesus. We hold true to our Christian values as we respond to changing needs. We seek to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in all we do. 

Every person is valuable and deserving of respect because they are made in the image of the living God. In partnership with parishes and faithful people like you, Anglicare provides a range of services that care for the whole person - materially, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. We function in accordance with the doctrines, tenets, beliefs and teachings of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Sydney, which established and continues to govern our organisation.

Our vision

Jesus Christ honoured, lives enriched and communities strengthened.

Our mission

Serving people in need, enriching lives, sharing the love of Jesus.

Our values

We exist to share the love of Jesus and value all people as made in the image of the living God. Our faith gives us meaning, purpose, direction and hope as we seek to live lives pleasing to God.


Side by Side -
Our Strategic Journey

Our target state is to be journeying with people side
by side to create life-enriching communities of care.
To learn more about our Strategic Journey, visit our page.

This inspires us to act with:

We are honest and transparent in the way we treat others and actively promote a culture of trust and respect. 
“You know that by going into someone’s home they’ve opened their lives to you. They want to know that you really care.” - Annie, Anglicare At Home Care Worker. 
We seek fairness, equity and inclusion for all people, regardless of who they are. We honour and uphold the right to dignity and a full life. 
“We seek to be an informed Christian voice to government and to the wider community on social issues to reduce disadvantage. Striving for the world that God always intended it to be.” – Sue, Head of Advocacy and Research 
We put empathy into action, connecting with individuals by seeking to 
understand their feelings, thoughts, needs and experiences. 
“We walk alongside individuals and provide them with a safe, strengthening and supportive relationship to ensure they are able to navigate whatever challenges life presents them with.” – Angela, Senior Counsellor 
We seek to exceed the expectations of those we serve and achieve the highest standards in all we do. 
“The ability to keep Mobile Community Pantry running through COVID-19 has been one of the greatest joys I’ve had. We worked with our churches to ensure we could continue to serve those in need.” – Aaron, Mobile Community Pantry Coordinator 

We love because he first loved us


Our Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct sets the minimum standards of what conduct is expected for everyone at Anglicare, click here to download.

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